7 Must-Haves for Selling Baked Goods at Farmers Markets
If you’re reading this, you’re probably preparing to sell baked goods at your first farmers market.
As a home baker who expanded my own cake business to farmers markets to reach a new target audience, I can tell you just how great they can be to bring in extra income and connect you to your community!
I was terrified going to my first market, but I did it scared anyway!
I learned so much from that market including 13 essential items every baker needs to sell their baked goods at farmers markets.
If you’re headed to your first farmers market, you are going to need a table to set up your baked goods.
One is enough, but you can jazz up your setup by using 2 table to make an L shape or even 3 for a U shape setup.
These set ups draw your customers further into your space, enhancing their shopping experience with you.
Some markets and events might provide you a table already, so be sure to check with the market coordinator before buying your own table.
At most farmers markets, you will need a tent. This is to cover you and your products from the sun. This is very important for us bakers!
We all know what happens with sun + baked goods… 🥵.
A simple 10x10 tent is generally great, but you can get fancy with tents that come with walls to spice up your space even more.
Oh! Don’t forget those tent weights please!
While I don’t recommend getting comfortable and sitting during your farmers market, I did find having a place to rest when traffic died down very helpful.
It was also great for my husband and I to be able to take turns when we needed a break.
Any chair will do, because again, I don’t want you to get comfortable. It’s always best to be up and interacting with market goers.
A sitting vendor reads: not interested. 👎🏽
We used camping chairs we already had on hand.
Bringing bags to my first farmers market was one of the smartest things I did!
I realized shoppers were willing to spend much more when they realized they didn’t have to figure out how to carry it all in their hands!
Without bags, customers are more likely to only purchase one or two items from you because that’s easy to carry. So providing a simple solution like a bag, makes it easy for them to buy one of each flavor of your products! Fill it up!
Another win you can gain from having bags, is FREE MARKETING! Woo hoo! 🎉
Adding a (large and visible) sticker or stamp with your business name and logo onto the bag shows off your brand to everyone your customer walks by.
This brings awareness to your business, but also serves as social proof that people are happily buying your products and they should too.
Adding my business info to my bags was an opportunity I ran out of time for when I was preparing for my first market. But you can bet your cinnamon rolls I will definitely make sure I utilize it next time!
If you live in a HOT state like me, I don’t even need to explain this one to you! Whew! 🥵
But I’m gonna go ahead and break it down anyways. 😆
Fans are clutch to keep you cool during hot months and thinking about it now, it can draw customers to your space too!
I mean think about it, how many times have you been at an outdoor event and feel a cool breeze blowing from somewhere? Did you walk towards it like me and my family do, or are we the only ones? 😅
Yeah, go ahead and get a fan.
But please. If you get a bigger fan, make sure it’s not blowing towards other vendors and causing problems for their setups!
Another fan is to get fly fans to keep those pesky flies away. Nothing will make me pass on food quicker than a fly (and mosquito) “infested” table.
When selling baked goods at farmers markets, it is so important to keep those products cool to prevent melting.
A cooler is an easy way to protect your baked goods from the sun and heat.
I’ve also been considering getting a display case and lining it with ice packs or dry ice to keep my products cool, yet still visible for my customers.
I’ll update this post if I ever give it a go.
Taking the leap and attending your first farmers market is great, but it will be pointless if no one knows you’re there!
This is why it is important to have signage for your farmers market setup. Signage helps market goers locate and identify your booth. Signage also helps them to learn more about your products, so it is important to have it.
Use large banners and tent covers with keywords like CAKE or CUPCAKES to signal market goers where they can get the good stuff.
If you have specialty items: gluten-free, vegan, unique flavors, etc. use standing and table signs to market this to potential customers.
You can also use signs to list your available products, flavors, and even pricing.
Having signage at your market setup can make it convenient for potential customers to quickly get important information about what you sell.
Here are some ideas for you to consider:
Selling baked goods at a farmers market can be a little scary, but having the right tools to get setup will help give you the confidence boost you need to go be successful!